How to Create Virtual Environment in Python: Easy Guide

How to Create Virtual Environment in Python

Don’t know how to create a virtual environment in Python? Let me tell you how!

How to Create Virtual Environment in Python?

A Python virtual environment is an isolated workspace that allows you to install and manage packages independently from the system Python installation. This ensures that project-specific dependencies do not interfere with other projects or the system.


Before creating a virtual environment in Python, ensure that you have already installed Python and pip on your system. Otherwise, follow these steps:

1) Install Python

First of all, go to and download the Python installer for Windows:

downloading python for windows

Once downloaded, run the Python installer:

running python installer

Check the second box to automatically set the system’s path environment variable for Python:

installing python on windows

Next, open the command prompt and check for the Python version to verify its installation:

python --version
checking python version

2) Install pip

To download pip, launch the command prompt and execute the command below:

curl -o
downloading pip

Then, run this script to install pip:

installing pip

Lastly, to ensure its successful installation, run:

pip --version
checking pip version

Creating a Python Virtual Environment

Once done with the prerequisites, create a virtual environment in Python via this procedure.

Step 1: Install virtualenv

Install the “virtualenv” module used for creating a Python virtual environment other than the actual one:

pip install virtualenv
installing virtualenv

Make sure that it is successfully installed:

virtualenv --version
checking virtualenv version

Step 2: Create a Python Virtual Environment

Firstly, move to that particular location where you want to create the Python virtual environment.

Next, use the “virtualenv” module along with the name you want to give to this new virtual environment. Here “python_Project” is my virtual environment’s name:

virtualenv python_Project
creating python environment

As a result of executing the above command, a directory will be created with the mentioned virtual environment’s name:

Step 3: Activate the Python Virtual Environment

Execute the cd command to move to the new virtual environment’s directory:

cd python_Project
moving to python environment directory

After that, run this command:

activating python environment

Step 4: Deactivate the Python Virtual Environment (optional)

Deactivate the virtual environment via this command:

deactivating python environment


To create a virtual environment in Python, install Python and pip first. Next, install the “virtualenv” module and confirm its installation. Utilize the virtualenv module to create a Python virtual environment. Once created, you can activate and deactivate this environment via the command prompt or terminal.

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