How to Use If-Else Statement in Single Line in Python?

You do not need to worry about using the if-else statement in a single line in Python. We are here to fix it!

In Python, the ternary operator is one of the features that contribute to the if-else statement. It writes concise conditional expressions using the inline if-else statement. This allows you to evaluate conditions and execute code based on the result, all in a single line.

This article will explore the usage of the if-else statement in a single line in Python.

Understanding the Inline If-Else Statement

The inline if-else statement in Python allows you to evaluate a condition and return one of two values based on the result.

The syntax is straightforward:

value_if_true if condition else value_if_false

This expression evaluates the condition. It returns value_if_true if the condition is True, and value_if_false otherwise.

Using Inline If-Else with Print

You can use the inline if-else statement directly within the print() function to conditionally print different values.

Here’s a basic example:

x = 10
print("x has the greater value than 8" if x > 8 else "x is 8 or less")

Here, first, evaluate the condition x > 8. After that, if x is 10 is greater than 8, the expression returns “x has the greater value than 8“, finally, this string is printed.

Using inline if-else statement

Practical Examples

Let’s look at a few practical examples to see how inline if-else statements assist in different scenarios:

1. Checking User Input

In Python, you can also check user input through the if-else statement in a single line.

Let’s see an example:

user_input = input("Enter a number: ")
print("The input number is positive" if int(user_input) > 0 else "The input number is non-positive")

In the above code, first, enter a number. The inline if-else statement checks if the entered number is positive and prints an appropriate message.

Checking User Input Using inline if-else statement

2. Conditional Formatting

Here, the inline if-else statement checks conditional formatting:

score = 85 # User Input
print("The student is Passed" if score >= 50 else " Bad Luck! The student is Failed")

Here, the inline if-else statement checks if the score is greater than or equal to 50. If it is, it prints “The student is Passed“; otherwise, it prints “Bad Luck! The student is Failed“.

Conditional Formatting Using inline if-else statement

3. Handling Optional Values

In addition, the inline if-else statement checks optional values. For instance, see an example below:

name = None
print(name if name else "No name provided")

In the above code, the inline if-else statement checks if the name variable is None. If it is, it prints “No name provided“; otherwise, it prints the value of the name.

Handling Optional Values Using inline if-else statement  in Single Line in Python

Using Inline If-Else in Assignments

You can also use inline if-else statements that can assign values to variables based on a condition.

Let’s see an example:

input_age = 20
class = "Adult" if input_age >= 15 else "Minor"

In the above code, the class variable assigns the value “Adult” if the age is greater than or equal to 15; otherwise, it is assigned the value “Minor“.

Using inline if-else statement  in Single Line in Python with assignment

Finally, this is all from this guide.


In Python, use the ternary operator to use an if-else statement in a single line like this: value_if_true if condition else value_if_false. This concise syntax evaluates the condition and returns the appropriate value based on the result.

The inline if-else statement provides a flexible solution, whether you are checking user input or formatting output. Furthermore, handling optional values, or assigning variable values.

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